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Welcome to django-napse's documentation!

Django napse is a portfolio management module using trading bots.


This project can be used as a django module, which you can install as follows:

pip install django-napse

Or you can use it as a local backend for the Napse desktop application, by cloning the repo (possibly after forking it).

Setup initial exchange accounts

To make full use of the project, we recommend that you fill in the API keys of at least one exchange (among the django-napse compabile exchanges).

At the root of your project, build a secret.json file. Here is an exemple with Binance:

    "Exchange Accounts": {
        "Binance EA_NAME": {
            "exchange": "BINANCE",     # Name of your exchange
            "testing": true,
            "public_key": "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY",
            "private_key": "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"

Note for developers

We strongly recommend to add the secret.json file to your .gitignore file to avoid sharing your API keys.

Use django-napse

Local backend

If you want to use django-napse as a local backend for the Napse desktop application, clone the repository and setup the project:

make setup

Then, you can run the server:

make up

Please check the documentation for more information about endpoints.

Django module

After the installation step, in a .py file you can use django-napse after importing it:

from django_napse.core.models import ExchangeAccount

exchange_account_query = ExchangeAccount.objects.all()


Compatible exchanges

django-napse is compatible with a few exchanges (for now):